Ugh. I have a new enemy, and thy name is Charlie. 4 runs in 4 IP? Nice! 2 HR to 2 lefties? Left handed specialist, my ass.
In case you missed it, here's the link for Longerhand's incredibly incredible catch to rob a home run from one of those Padres. White man can jump.
Stat of the day: Johnny Lannans has the lowest run support of any starter in the National League. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.
holy silly catch!! It looks like his arm just about rips off when he hits the way. Way to hold onto the ball, and your arm!!
It's a good play, no doubt. No one ever said the kid couldn't play defense.
Two downsides:
1) Hit hits like me.
2) He looks like Dale Earnhardt Jr.
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