My picks also happen to mirror the needs of the organization. That's just a coincidence. In the MLB draft, you should always draft the best player available, never on need. It just happens to be the Nationals lucky year!
Round 1 (#9 overall):
RH - Grabby McGrabberson. Johns Hopkins University

Grabby is a righthander currently in Medical School at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD. He's ready to start immediately on Nick Johnson or Austin Kearns. He comes cheaply, as well, since the Biology class at JHU is done dissecting his heart. Cadaver prices are relatively low these days, especially those without torsos.
Round 2 (#51 overall):
LH- Lego McLegerson. Billund, Denmark

Lego is a lefthander currently being assembled at Lego's headquarters in Billund, Denmark, but will be done by the draft. He can start ASAP on Ryan Zimmerman or Paul LoDuca. His price tag is way below slot price, so the Nats should be able to sign him easily. He drops to the second round because of some rumors about him and Amsterdam, but Dmitri Young has pledged to keep him in line. Elijah Dukes is reportedly ECSTATIC about him possibly joining the team
What the hell is this crap?
What is it? Well, given that Rental Perez just went down with...
wait for it...
AN ARM INJURY last night, it's just what the Dr. (James Andrews) ordered.
Wow - are ya sure Lego will stick around until that late in the second round?
Maybe Richard Simmons can come in and teach ya'll how to stretch properly.
Enjoy the game tonight and dont forget to throw the signs to your hermano
In talking to all the GMs it seems like they're gonna pass on Lego. He's seen as a risk pick, given his connection to Amsterdam, and being seen in hash cafes there.
Again, DOOKS is all for him.
Maybe you should get Richard Simmons, so he can show YOU how to stretch.
Your dick, that is.
YEAH! Get him a body bag!
Blogger Puttzy said...
Maybe Richard Simmons can come in and teach ya'll how to stretch properly.
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