Burger shown the door.
Later, you big fat tater. Don't the doorknob hit your gravy boat ass on the way out!
Mike O'Connor takes his spot. He will go long relief, prolly taking over for hammerhands.
Rumors swirl that King may actually be done with the Nats for good. Please happen. Pretty please!
Shawn Hill (maybe) tonight. Two starts in a row might be some sort of record for him. He's going against Perez. I have no clue what his last name is, and I don't have the time to look (I'm on my way out the door for a game. Send me the score via telekinesis). Let's just call him Orlando, and hope we're close.
If King goes bye-bye who's gonna be the new focus of the blame/hatred?
Didn't you hear, puttzy? We've won 2 out of 3. We are on a roll. No need for hatred/blame. Nothing but love/praise from here on out. Nats, FTW!
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